Reliable quality checking in China

Our inspector checks every detail, finds every defect

Loading container in China, checking products

Loading another container for our customer - we check the goods

Quality checking of electronic, components

It is worth to know, what componenets are used inside machine

Quality checking in China

inspecting goods from Chinese factory

When we receive information that goods are ready - our representative is going to visit factory. We arrange accurate quality checking to inspect and judge goods' quality.

Before checking we note all the suggestions and remarks from customer. We analyze products' specification, we check quantity on invoice / packing list. We pay more attention to every detail, for some suppliers these details are not important.

Some Chinese factories do not care about minor defects!

Products which are ready are beeing viewed from literally every side. We check colours, appearance, shape, connections, functionality, packing... JCC Int. Trade's inspector is extremely sensitive with every minor defect like: scratches, ruptures, painting marks. Some suppliers in China are surprised that we even notice these issues. However every quality checking we treat as commitment to our customer - why should we turn a blind eye when we discover small defects?

Thanks to our professional attitude during quality checking - all of our customers are very satisfied ordering us inspections. We know it is essential and difficult task. Of course sometimes 100% of goods are perfect, clean, neat, well packed. We must admit this situation is not the norm. When we discover mistakes, defects we check goods even more carefully as we already expect more trouble. One problem can repeat many times.

Do you really know how does the factory look like?

Of course during products' quality checking we do not exclude company verification. While we inspect the goods we can also talk with supplier, we meet managers, we can see their offices, production line, warehouse. By this you receive detailed report and photos of ordered goods but also our inspector can share his opinion about supplier's company / factory.

Import from China, transport from China, quality checking in China.

Contact us!

Import from China - contact with JCC Int. Trade:

Poland - mobile +48 730 415 911 email: import@jccint.com / mobile +48 609 044 394 email: polska@jccint.com    ∴  China - mobile +86 13725505676, email: chiny@jccint.pl