JCC Int. Trade - quality checking in China

We look at workers' hands - literally

Quality checking in China

checking goods and suppliers' verification

Quality checking became important part of our service. Finding supplier is easy, but choosing correct and reliable partner in China is more complicated. Many of our customers have doubts about suppliers in China. Does the factory looks the same as on website photo? Is that company legally registered in China? Is it a factory or trading company? If the person who replies enquiries treats customer seriously? If the produced goods are same as ordered, if they are packed well? You do not really know the answers for many questions and supplier is thousands kilometers away and you must trust him base on website or some short meeting during exhibition.

Can you trust stranger and send them thousands of dollars as deposit?

How to find answers for all above questions? There is one simple answer JCC International Trade! Our inspector within one visit can provide detailed report about Chinese factory, he can verify company documents, check if they are legally registered company. He can talk with managers and employees. Our inspection can easy dispel any doubts.

Within 2-5 days our representative can visit any factory in China, every province. Contrary to appearances, this verification isn't so expensive. If you consider value of your cargo - it is not worth to take too much risk. It is reasonable to use our help. If you plan visiting factory by yourself just to check every order, you would spend too much time and money on every travel: waiting for visa, booking flights, booking hotels. We can be your 'eyes' in China and we wouldn't miss any mistake made by factory.

Our service for quality checking includes two options: goods' checking and/or verification of supplier before first order. Many of our customers choose both options: first our inspector visits the company and later when production is finished we inspect goods before shipment.

Import from China, transport from China, quality checking in China.

Contact us!

Import from China - contact with JCC Int. Trade:

Poland - mobile +48 730 415 911 email: import@jccint.com / mobile +48 609 044 394 email: polska@jccint.com    ∴  China - mobile +86 13725505676, email: chiny@jccint.pl